Alison Allan, Western University

Profile photo of Alison Allan, expert at Western University

Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology Oncology Professor London, Ontario Office: (519) 661-2111 ext. 84054


Dr. Allan’s research interests lie in the study of molecular mechanisms that influence normal cellular growth, tumor development, and cancer progression. The focus of Dr. Allan’s research program is breast cancer metastasis and translational research. Despite the fact that the majority of deaths ...

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Dr. Allan’s research interests lie in the study of molecular mechanisms that influence normal cellular growth, tumor development, and cancer progression. The focus of Dr. Allan’s research program is breast cancer metastasis and translational research. Despite the fact that the majority of deaths from solid cancer occur due to the physiological effects of metastasis rather than from the consequences of the primary tumor, metastasis remains a badly understudied field. A major area of research that is needed to address this problem involves gaining a greater understanding of the metastatic process as a whole, such that current therapies can be better utilized to target metastatic disease, and new, more effective therapies can be developed which will better treat or prevent cancer metastasis. A second important area of research is the identification and development of surrogate marker approaches that will allow close monitoring of both disease progression and response to therapy. Dr. Allan’s research program encompasses both of these areas, and involves three individual but interrelated projects in the areas of metastasis, cancer stem cells, tumor biology, and molecular oncology.

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