Edward Ruthazer, McGill University

Profile photo of Edward Ruthazer, expert at McGill University

Neurology and Neurosurgery Professor Montreal, Quebec edward.ruthazer@mcgill.ca Office: (514) 398-4022


Dr. Edward Ruthazer studies the development of topographic maps in the brain at the systems, cellular and molecular levels. In particular, his lab is interested in the influence of neural activity and early experience on the morphology and connectivity of the individual neurons that make up these...

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Dr. Edward Ruthazer studies the development of topographic maps in the brain at the systems, cellular and molecular levels. In particular, his lab is interested in the influence of neural activity and early experience on the morphology and connectivity of the individual neurons that make up these neural maps. Individual axonal and dendritic branches in the intact brain are constantly remodeling throughout development. Using in vivo time lapse two-photon imaging of single neurons together with in vivo whole-cell voltage clamp recordings, they study the mechanisms underlying the development of brain connectivity, with a spacial focus on the visual system. His lab is also active in developing novel imaging techniques and analyses for the study of neuronal connectivity and intracellular signaling.

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