Haresh Sapra, University of Chicago

Profile photo of Haresh Sapra, expert at University of Chicago

Professor Chicago, Illinois hsapra@chicagobooth.edu Office: (773) 834-1585


Haresh Sapra studies the real effects of accounting measurement policies, disclosure regulation, and corporate governance. His current research deals with issues of disclosure, transparency and financial reporting for financial institutions. For example, how do accounting measurement rules impact...

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Haresh Sapra studies the real effects of accounting measurement policies, disclosure regulation, and corporate governance. His current research deals with issues of disclosure, transparency and financial reporting for financial institutions. For example, how do accounting measurement rules impact the optimal design of prudential regulation for financial institutions? What are the costs and benefits of disclosing banks’ stress tests results? His research has been published in journals such as The Accounting Review, Journal of Accounting Research, and Games and Economic Behavior. He is a certified public accountant in Illinois and teaches financial accounting to Executive students, an MBA elective on Mergers and Acquisitions and Corporate Restructuring Issues to full time and part time students and a PhD course on the economic modeling of accounting issues.

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