Mick Price, University of Alberta

Profile photo of Mick Price, expert at University of Alberta

Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences Professor Emeritus Edmonton, Alberta mick.price@ualberta.ca Office: (780) 492-3235


Mick Price was appointed an Assistant Professor at the University of Alberta in 1976, and by 1979, he had won the first of his three prestigious Agriculture Teaching Excellence Awards. In 1983 he was appointed Associate Dean (Agriculture). During this period, he conducted a complete review of the...

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Mick Price was appointed an Assistant Professor at the University of Alberta in 1976, and by 1979, he had won the first of his three prestigious Agriculture Teaching Excellence Awards. In 1983 he was appointed Associate Dean (Agriculture). During this period, he conducted a complete review of the undergraduate program, and Chaired a Committee to create a new degree program. Following his tenure as Associate Dean, Mick became Chair of Animal Science, one of the largest departments in the institution. Since then, he continues to devote an enormous amount of time and energy to committee work to further teaching at the University of Alberta.

He has been described as a brilliant instructor, an inspirational leader and zealous scholar. His courses include such teaching and learning innovations as: one-on-one oral examinations, student directed marking contracts, teleconference lectures, and international group e-mail projects. He created an intensive off-campus laboratory class in meat science and goes out of his way to help students develop oral communication skills. His student evaluations are exceptional, and this year, his dedication and hard work culminated in his recognition as a Fellow of the Agriculture Institute of Canada.

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