Philip Stooke, Western University

Profile photo of Philip Stooke, expert at Western University

Associate Professor Geography London, Ontario Office: (519) 661-2111 ext. 85022


My research is in the area of lunar and planetary exploration and mapping. I am interested in the history of cartography, especially of the moon and planets. I am involved with geological studies of other worlds, especially Mars. One major area of my research has been the development of methods f...

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My research is in the area of lunar and planetary exploration and mapping. I am interested in the history of cartography, especially of the moon and planets. I am involved with geological studies of other worlds, especially Mars. One major area of my research has been the development of methods for mapping non-spherical bodies such as asteroids, including novel map projections, 3-D shape modelling and global map and photomosaic compilation. My principal work in the last few years has been an atlas of lunar exploration, now nearly ready for publication.

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