René St-Arnaud, McGill University

Profile photo of René St-Arnaud, expert at McGill University

Orthopaedic Surgery Professor Montreal, Quebec Office: (514) 282-7155


Dr. St-Arnaud is a Senior Investigator at the Canadian Shriners Hospital for Children, and a Professor of Medicine, Surgery, and Human Genetics at McGill University. His research interests include the control of gene expression in bone cells, and vitamin D metabolism.

He has made major ...

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Dr. St-Arnaud is a Senior Investigator at the Canadian Shriners Hospital for Children, and a Professor of Medicine, Surgery, and Human Genetics at McGill University. His research interests include the control of gene expression in bone cells, and vitamin D metabolism.

He has made major contributions to these fields, including the cloning of key vitamin D metabolic enzymes, the cloning and characterization of novel transcriptional regulators controlling bone mass accrual, and the engineering of useful animal models of metabolic bone disease. He was awarded the Fuller Albright Award of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research (ASBMR), the Outstanding Investigator in the Bone Field Award from the International Bone and Calcium Institute, and the Excellence Prize of the Foundation for Research into Pediatric Diseases. He chaired the 2005 Gordon Research Conference on Bones & Teeth and was elected to the Board of Directors of the Advances in Mineral Metabolism meeting. He is a current Council member for the ASBMR.

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