Szymon Rusinkiewicz, Princeton University

Profile photo of Szymon Rusinkiewicz, expert at Princeton University

Professor Princeton, New Jersey Office: (609) 258-7479


Szymon Rusinkiewicz is Professor of Computer Science at Princeton University. His work focuses on the interface between computers and the visual and tangible world: acquisition, representation, analysis, and fabrication of 3D shape, motion, surface appearance, and scattering. He investigates al...

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Szymon Rusinkiewicz is Professor of Computer Science at Princeton University. His work focuses on the interface between computers and the visual and tangible world: acquisition, representation, analysis, and fabrication of 3D shape, motion, surface appearance, and scattering. He investigates algorithms for processing geometry and reflectance, including registration, matching, completion, hierarchical decomposition, symmetry analysis, sampling, and depiction. Applications of this work include documentation of cultural heritage artifacts and sites, appearance and performance capture for digital humans, and illustrative depiction through line drawings and non-photorealistic shading models.

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