Alex Moskaluk, University of Guelph

Profile photo of Alex Moskaluk, expert at University of Guelph

Assistant Professor Guelph, Ontario


Dr. Moskaluk is currently an Assistant Professor with a background in veterinary microbiology researching mycology, focusing on translational and zoonotic fungal species. Her main projects involve dermatophytes (e.g. ringworm) and Aspergillus species, where they are (1) developing rapid assays ba...

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Dr. Moskaluk is currently an Assistant Professor with a background in veterinary microbiology researching mycology, focusing on translational and zoonotic fungal species. Her main projects involve dermatophytes (e.g. ringworm) and Aspergillus species, where they are (1) developing rapid assays based on fungal metabolites, (2) genotyping dermatophytes isolates from across North America and correlating to clinical parameters, and (3) characterizing potential virulence factors.

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