Anne Gatling, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Education, experience in the field of education began as an elementary teacher, then as an education fellow for Teacher Quality with Senator Lieberman, and more recently as an educator for both pre-service and in-service teachers. She values the opportun...
Anne Gatling, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Education, experience in the field of education began as an elementary teacher, then as an education fellow for Teacher Quality with Senator Lieberman, and more recently as an educator for both pre-service and in-service teachers. She values the opportunity to engage with pre-service teachers and is passionate about working with them as they develop the knowledge and skills necessary to reach each student in our classrooms today.
In addition, Dr. Gatling’s interest in educational research allows her to continue to investigate ways to improve pre-service elementary teacher preparation in three ways: one, self-efficacy toward science; two, content knowledge; and thirdly, pedagogical skill in improving linguistically and culturally diverse student learning.
In addition to her classroom work, Dr. Gatling’s appointments at Merrimack College include member in the UCC (Undergraduate Curriculum Committee), a Library Committee member, and Co-Director of the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math) Elementary Education Degree program.