Anthony E. Williams-Jones, McGill University

Profile photo of Anthony E. Williams-Jones, expert at McGill University

Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences Professor Montreal, Quebec Office: (514) 398-1676


My research is devoted mainly to understanding the genesis of hydrothermal mineral deposits through a combination of field-based, experimental and theoretical methods. Deposits investigated include porphyry Cu and Mo, pegmatite-, greisen- and vein-hosted Sn-W, epithermal/mesothermal Au-Ag, epithe...

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My research is devoted mainly to understanding the genesis of hydrothermal mineral deposits through a combination of field-based, experimental and theoretical methods. Deposits investigated include porphyry Cu and Mo, pegmatite-, greisen- and vein-hosted Sn-W, epithermal/mesothermal Au-Ag, epithermal Sb and Hg, and granite/pegmatite- and carbonatite-hosted rare metals (REE, Li, Be, Zr, Y). An important objective of the research is to help improve exploration strategies for such deposits and, where possible, develop new exploration tools. The research focus concerns the understanding of physico-chemical controls of mineralization, and the starting point is the careful geological mapping of deposits, with emphasis on the relationships between alteration and mineralization.

In addition to petrography, and mineral and whole-rock chemistry, fluid inclusion studies are an important component of laboratory research, and are supported by a facility equipped with heating/freezing and infrared stages for microthermometry, and a chromatographic system for measuring gas compositions. Experimental studies emphasise determinations of metal solubility and speciation in hydrothermal systems, and simulations of hydrothermal alteration. These studies are conducted in a laboratory equipped with conventional high temperature autoclaves and ovens, hydrothermal flow-through autoclaves, and a UV-visible spectrophotometer modified for high temperature spectroscopy. Theoretical research is divided between estimating conditions of ore/alteration mineral stabilities, and corresponding solubility and computer simulations of mineralization processes.

Projects in progress include: investigations of the genesis of Archean gold deposits in high grade metamorphic rocks at Hemlo, Ontario (supported by CAMIRO), Troilus, Quebec (supported by Inmet), and Onaman, Ontario (supported by Cameco); experimental studies of the solubility of metals in aqueous vapours, and measurements of their partitioning between aqueous liquid and vapour; experimental investigations of the solubility of mercury and other metals in liquid alkanes; development of laser-ablation ICP-MS as a new micro-analytical tool for fluid inclusion analysis; a study of links between porphyry Cu and high-sulphidation epithermal Au mineralization at Pascua, Chile (supported by Barrick); reconstruction of the Sn mineralizing system at San Rafael, Peru (supported by Minsur), and of the geological and geochemical environment responsible for zinc skarn mineralization at El Mochito, Honduras (supported by Breakwater); experimental and computer simulations of serpentinization, and evaluation of controls on amphibole distribution (the main cause of mesothelioma) in chrysotile asbestos deposits (supported by JM Asbestos).

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