Ara Norenzayan is a social psychologist at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver. His areas of research include evolutionary and cognitive approaches to religious thought and behavior, issues of cultural variability and universality in human psychology, and relations between culture and e...
Ara Norenzayan is a social psychologist at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver. His areas of research include evolutionary and cognitive approaches to religious thought and behavior, issues of cultural variability and universality in human psychology, and relations between culture and evolution. He received his Ph.D. in psychology from the University of Michigan in 1999. Prior to UBC, he was a postdoctoral fellow at the Centre de Recherche en Йpistemologie Appliquйe (CREA), Йcole Polytechnique, Paris, after which he served on the faculty of the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. When not snowboarding or plotting his next travel, he is a Professor in the Psychology Department at UBC, a Faculty Associate of the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies, and the co-director of the Centre for Human Evolution, Cognition and Culture