Berkeley Dietvorst’s research focuses on understanding how consumers and managers make judgments and decisions, and how to improve them. His main focus, thus far, has been when and why forecasters fail to use algorithms that outperform human forecasters, and explores prescriptions that increase c...
Berkeley Dietvorst’s research focuses on understanding how consumers and managers make judgments and decisions, and how to improve them. His main focus, thus far, has been when and why forecasters fail to use algorithms that outperform human forecasters, and explores prescriptions that increase consumers’ and managers’ willingness to use algorithms.
Dietvorst’s other research looks at such topics as order effects on consumer choice, choice architecture, and consumers’ reactions to corporate experiments. His research has been published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: General and Management Science, and has been referenced in such media outlets as the Financial Times, Harvard Business Review, and The Boston Globe.