Bernard H. Kueper, Queen’s University

Profile photo of Bernard H. Kueper, expert at Queen’s University

Department of Civil Engineering Professor Kingston, Ontario Office: (613) 533-6834


Professor Kueper and his graduate students perform research focused on the subsurface behaviour and remediation of non-aqueous phase liquids (NAPLs) such as chlorinated solvents, coal tar, creosote, PCB oils and gasoline in both unconsolidated deposits such as sands and gravels, as well as fractu...

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Professor Kueper and his graduate students perform research focused on the subsurface behaviour and remediation of non-aqueous phase liquids (NAPLs) such as chlorinated solvents, coal tar, creosote, PCB oils and gasoline in both unconsolidated deposits such as sands and gravels, as well as fractured clay and rock. These compounds currently represent the most frequently detected groundwater contaminants throughout industrialized areas of the world. Current research is aimed at the development and evaluation of in-situ remediation technologies such as hydraulic displacement (HD), electrical resistance heating (ERH), thermal conductive heating (TCH), enhanced in-situ bioremediation (EISB), and in-situ chemical oxidation (ISCO).

Professor Kueper is a popular short-course instructor who has lectured on the topic of DNAPL and LNAPL migration and remediation in courses held in Switzerland, Australia, Denmark, England, the United States, Brazil and Canada. He is currently an Associate Editor with the Journal of Ground Water, and a former Associate Editor with the Journal of Contaminant Hydrology and the Canadian Geotechnical Journal.

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