Carole Emberton, State University of New York at Buffalo

Profile photo of Carole Emberton, expert at State University of New York at Buffalo

Associate Professor Buffalo, New York Office: (716) 645-8405


Carole Emberton can speak to members of the media about the Civil War era, including issues around the Confederate Flag, slavery and the history of race.Her first book, "Beyond Redemption: Race Violence, and the American South after the Civil War," explores how violence of the Civil War shaped th...

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Carole Emberton can speak to members of the media about the Civil War era, including issues around the Confederate Flag, slavery and the history of race.Her first book, "Beyond Redemption: Race Violence, and the American South after the Civil War," explores how violence of the Civil War shaped the meaning of freedom and citizenship in the new South. Emberton studies how violence shapes social, political and cultural worlds of the past and present.Emberton’s current research project focuses on ex-slaves’ historical memory of the war and emancipation.

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