Donglin Bai, Western University

Profile photo of Donglin Bai, expert at Western University

Assistant Professor Physiology and Pharmacology London, Ontario Office: (519) 850-2569 ext. 82569


I am interested in defining the functional domains/residues of connexin molecule in determining the gap junction channel properties, such as docking, Vj-gating, single channel conductance, and delineating how gap junction mutants causing human diseases. We use molecular engineering method to gene...

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I am interested in defining the functional domains/residues of connexin molecule in determining the gap junction channel properties, such as docking, Vj-gating, single channel conductance, and delineating how gap junction mutants causing human diseases. We use molecular engineering method to generate mutant connexins and use dual patch clamp, dye-transfer and fluorescent imaging techniques to investigate the functional outcomes. We also use genetically modified mouse models to study the functional defects of gap junction mutants in vivo.

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