The research activities of Ed Groth revolve around the Hubble Space Telescope and Cosmology. As deputy principal investigator of the HST Wide Field and Planetary Camera team, Groth has been involved in a wide variety of observations from planetary studies to star forming regions to distant galaxi...
The research activities of Ed Groth revolve around the Hubble Space Telescope and Cosmology. As deputy principal investigator of the HST Wide Field and Planetary Camera team, Groth has been involved in a wide variety of observations from planetary studies to star forming regions to distant galaxies and gravitational lenses. With the repair of the HST, the research has concentrated on distant faint galaxies and clusters. With graduate students Rick Balsano and Jason Rhodes, reduction and analysis of a deep survey with the HST is in progress. Results from this survey are expected to have a bearing on formation of galaxies and large scale structure at redshifts in the range z=0.5 to 1.5.