Eva Zurek, State University of New York at Buffalo

Profile photo of Eva Zurek, expert at State University of New York at Buffalo

Department of Chemistry Professor Buffalo, New York ezurek@buffalo.edu Office: (716) 645-4332


Eva Zurek is an expert in materials science.A theoretical chemist, she uses supercomputers to predict the structures and properties of novel materials. Her team has developed an open-source computer program called XtalOpt that enables scientists to predict the crystal structures of materials. She...

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Eva Zurek is an expert in materials science.A theoretical chemist, she uses supercomputers to predict the structures and properties of novel materials. Her team has developed an open-source computer program called XtalOpt that enables scientists to predict the crystal structures of materials. She has used this program to identify new superconductor candidates.She can speak to the media about topics including the search for superconductors, chemistry under high pressures, and how scientists use computers to discover and predict the properties of new materials.

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