Fang Wang, Wilfrid Laurier University

Profile photo of Fang Wang, expert at Wilfrid Laurier University

Professor Waterloo, Ontario


Professor Wang (PhD, MBA) is an active scholar of business research, specializing in strategy, firm long-term productivity, social media, digital marketing, e-business, and data analytics. She has published in top business and engineering journals, including

- marketing journals such...

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Professor Wang (PhD, MBA) is an active scholar of business research, specializing in strategy, firm long-term productivity, social media, digital marketing, e-business, and data analytics. She has published in top business and engineering journals, including

- marketing journals such as Journal of Marketing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science,
International Journal of Research in Marketing, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services,
Journal of Consumer Behaviour, and Journal of Consumer Marketing;

- IS journals such as Information & Management, Computers in Human Behavior, Decision Support
Systems, Electronic Commerce Research, Internet Research, and Information Technology &

- general business journals such as Journal of Business Research;

- engineering journals such as IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, and IEEE Journal of Selected
Topics in Signal Processing.

Her work has received several research awards, and is funded by provincial, national, and international research funding agencies including the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).

Professor Wang holds several patents on data technologies. She has successful industrial and business consulting experiences.

Current projects include:
- Social media influencers and influencing
- Social networks and social marketplace
- Visual informatics and big data analytics
- Immersive technologies (AI, AR, VR) and their applications in business, education, sports, and
- E-learning and sports/training analytics
- Knowledge base in business research

I work with a team of great collaborators. I cherish working with them and take pride of the shared achievements. Thanks for the intellectual inspiration and continuous supports!

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