I am an assistant professor at the Department of Astrophysical Sciences at Princeton University. Some of my research interests are: extrasolar planets, instrumentation (with special focus on small telescopes), and all-sky variability. I have been the Principal Investigator of the HATNet extrasola...
I am an assistant professor at the Department of Astrophysical Sciences at Princeton University. Some of my research interests are: extrasolar planets, instrumentation (with special focus on small telescopes), and all-sky variability. I have been the Principal Investigator of the HATNet extrasolar planet search, discovering 38 transiting exoplanets so far (called HAT-P-1b through HAT-P-38b). I am also the PI of the HATSouth project that runs telescopes at three sites in the Southern hemisphere (Chile, Namibia, Australia), with 24 telescopes gathering data round-the-clock.
Previously I was at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics as an astrophycisist (2010-2011), National Science Foundation Fellow (2007-2010), Hubble Fellow (2004-2007) and Predoctoral Fellow (2001-2004). I received my PhD from Eötvös University, Budapest in 2004. I did my undergraduate studies at Eötvös University, majoring in physics, astronomy and English translation.