Gwenn Flowers, Simon Fraser University

Profile photo of Gwenn Flowers, expert at Simon Fraser University

Associate Professor Earth Sciences Vancouver, British Columbia Office: (778) 782-6638


Dr. Flowers is a glaciologist with interests in glacier and ice-sheet dynamics, the hydrology of glacierized systems and the relationship of these systems to climate. Her interests have led her to explore the hydrology and dynamics of alpine glaciers, outburst floods from ice-dammed lakes, glacie...

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Dr. Flowers is a glaciologist with interests in glacier and ice-sheet dynamics, the hydrology of glacierized systems and the relationship of these systems to climate. Her interests have led her to explore the hydrology and dynamics of alpine glaciers, outburst floods from ice-dammed lakes, glacier surges, glacier-climate interactions and the hydrology of paleo-ice masses. Field-based and modelling techniques complement one another in most of these pursuits. She currently leads a field-based glaciological research program in the St. Elias Mountains of Yukon, Canada, aimed at understanding the role of glacier dynamics in modulating regional glacier mass balance.

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