Igor Klebanov, Princeton University

Profile photo of Igor Klebanov, expert at Princeton University

Professor Princeton, New Jersey klebanov@Princeton.EDU Office: (609) 258-5593


Much of my work since 1996 has focused on the exact relations between quantum field theories in four and three space-time dimensions, and higher dimensional theories which include gravity. My work on thermodynamics and absorption cross-sections by stacks of extended objects called D-branes paved ...

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Much of my work since 1996 has focused on the exact relations between quantum field theories in four and three space-time dimensions, and higher dimensional theories which include gravity. My work on thermodynamics and absorption cross-sections by stacks of extended objects called D-branes paved the way to the formulation of the Anti-de Sitter/Conformal field Theory (AdS/CFT) correspondence. I made many contributions to the formulation of the “AdS/CFT dictionary,” which relates scaling dimensions and correlation functions in strongly interacting field theory to semi-classical dynamics in AdS space. My collaborators and I have also constructed a tractable gravitational description of a gauge theory which is nearly conformal at short distances but exhibits color confinement at long distances.

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