James F. Brien, Queen’s University

Profile photo of James F. Brien, expert at Queen’s University

Department of Biomedical and Molecular Sciences Professor Kingston, Ontario brienj@queensu.ca Office: (613) 533-2877
(613) 533-6000 ext. 36114


The research program in our laboratory focuses on the investigation of the mechanisms of therapeutic or toxic action of a broad spectrum of drugs. Currently, our laboratory is investigating the mechanisms of : alcohol teratogenicity/developmental toxicity (fetal alcohol syndrome/fetal alcohol spe...

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The research program in our laboratory focuses on the investigation of the mechanisms of therapeutic or toxic action of a broad spectrum of drugs. Currently, our laboratory is investigating the mechanisms of : alcohol teratogenicity/developmental toxicity (fetal alcohol syndrome/fetal alcohol spectrum disorders); action of nitrovasodilator drugs, nitric oxide and carbon monoxide on blood vessels; and amiodarone-induced pulmonary toxicity.

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