James Smith, Princeton University

Profile photo of James Smith, expert at Princeton University

Professor Princeton, New Jersey jsmith@Princeton.EDU Office: (609) 258-4615


Smith's research interests concern the hydrology, hydraulics and hydrometeorology of extreme floods. Hydrometeorological studies have centered on development of technologies for measuring rainfall from weather radar, stochastic modeling of the space-time structure of rainfall and microphysical st...

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Smith's research interests concern the hydrology, hydraulics and hydrometeorology of extreme floods. Hydrometeorological studies have centered on development of technologies for measuring rainfall from weather radar, stochastic modeling of the space-time structure of rainfall and microphysical studies of extreme rainfall from organized systems of thunderstorms. Smith's research group has been involved in numerous hydrometeorological field campaigns, most recently in connection with the Baltimore Ecosystem Study (BES), a component of the NSF LTER program. Field studies in the BES have also examined the heterogeneity of hydrologic response in urbanizing watersheds, the stability of the channel-floodplain system in urban drainage networks and the hydraulics of extreme floods in urban rivers. In addition to field campaigns focused on intensively monitoring research watersheds, Smith and his colleagues have been extensively involved in field studies of major floods in the United States.

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