Jannette Carey, Princeton University

Profile photo of Jannette Carey, expert at Princeton University

Associate Professor Princeton, New Jersey jcarey@princeton.edu Office: (609) 258-1631


Our research group is interested in understanding the intermolecular interactions of biological macromolecules: protein-protein, protein-nucleic acid, and protein-small molecule. Such interactions between proteins and ligands run nearly every aspect of biology, and we would like to understand the...

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Our research group is interested in understanding the intermolecular interactions of biological macromolecules: protein-protein, protein-nucleic acid, and protein-small molecule. Such interactions between proteins and ligands run nearly every aspect of biology, and we would like to understand them in quantitative, thermodynamic, and structural terms. To that end we study several examples using a range of experimental and theoretical biophysical tools. We apply ligand-binding theory, the quantitative treatment of interactions, to design experiments and analyse the results. Our experimental tools include calorimetry, surface plasmon resonance, NMR, x-ray crystallography, electronic spectroscopies, and others as each system requires. A recent addition to our toolkit is molecular dynamics simulations, which we apply to interpret experimental results and to design further experiments.

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