Jeremy Richards, University of Alberta

Profile photo of Jeremy Richards, expert at University of Alberta

Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Professor Edmonton, Alberta Office: (780) 492-3430


My research has two main foci: (1) the genesis of hydrothermal mineral deposits, and (2) sustainable development.

Metallogenic research includes regional tectonic and magmatic controls on mineralization, volcanology, and detailed ore depositional mechanisms, and I have investigated the f...

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My research has two main foci: (1) the genesis of hydrothermal mineral deposits, and (2) sustainable development.

Metallogenic research includes regional tectonic and magmatic controls on mineralization, volcanology, and detailed ore depositional mechanisms, and I have investigated the formation of various types of ore deposit, including sediment-hosted, vein-type, and porphyry-type copper, and mesothermal and epithermal gold mineralization. My current research involves the study of regional controls on porphyry copper and polymetallic epithermal mineralization in Canada, northern Chile, Argentina, Colombia, Iran, Pakistan, and Turkey.

Sustainable development research has included studies of sustainable mine development in Vietnam and Romania, and supervision of Masters projects on sustainability in Alberta's aggregates resource sector, socio-economic impacts of the Nanisivik and Polaris mines in northern Canada, fiscal measures such as taxation to improve the sustainable development of mineral resources, and a study of sustainability in Nigeria's small-scale mining sector.

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