Juliette Rooney-Varga, University of Massachusetts Lowell

Profile photo of Juliette Rooney-Varga, expert at University of Massachusetts Lowell

Associate Professor Lowell, Massachusetts Juliette_RooneyVarga@uml.edu Office: (978) 934-4715


Professor Rooney-Varga currently teaches Principles of Ecology, Principles of Ecology Laboratory, and Climate Change: Science, Solutions, and Communication. In all of these courses, students research the current scientific literature in a relevant topic of their interest and communicate their res...

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Professor Rooney-Varga currently teaches Principles of Ecology, Principles of Ecology Laboratory, and Climate Change: Science, Solutions, and Communication. In all of these courses, students research the current scientific literature in a relevant topic of their interest and communicate their research through written and video presentations. The Climate Change course is part of a NASA-funded CAM (Climate Education in an Age of Media) Project that integrates student climate change science and policy with video production by students to engage and inspire students and the broader community.

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