Julio Martinez Trujillo, McGill University

Profile photo of Julio Martinez Trujillo, expert at McGill University

Associate Professor Physiology Montreal, Quebec julio.martinez@mcgill.ca Office: (514) 398-6024


My research aims at understanding the physiology of cognition and behavior. My laboratory focuses on investigating how the brain transforms visual signals into coordinated motor behavior and how this process is influenced by attention. We use a combination of techniques (electrophysiology, behavi...

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My research aims at understanding the physiology of cognition and behavior. My laboratory focuses on investigating how the brain transforms visual signals into coordinated motor behavior and how this process is influenced by attention. We use a combination of techniques (electrophysiology, behavioral measurements and brain imaging) in normal subjects and patients. We measure electrical activity in different brain regions and eye movements during visuomotor tasks while manipulating the behavioral relevance of the different task components. The results of our research will contribute to understand how the brain generates behavior and may contribute to the understanding of neurological and psychiatric disorders in humans.

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