Kelly McShane, Ryerson University

Profile photo of Kelly McShane, expert at Ryerson University

Associate Professor Toronto, Ontario Office: (416) 979-5000 ext. 553417


Kelly McShane is an Associate Professor in Human Resource Management and Organizational Behaviour at Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU, formerly Ryerson University).

Dr. McShane received her PhD in Clinical Psychology from Concordia University in 2007 and completed a post-doc at the C...

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Kelly McShane is an Associate Professor in Human Resource Management and Organizational Behaviour at Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU, formerly Ryerson University).

Dr. McShane received her PhD in Clinical Psychology from Concordia University in 2007 and completed a post-doc at the Centre for Research on Inner City Health at St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto. She is a licensed organizational and clinical psychologist in Ontario. In addition, she has completed additional training in Mediation, Just Culture, Promoting Professionalism (Vanderbilt), Change Management, Lean Six Sigma, and Labour Relations.

At TMU, Dr. McShane teaches change management, team dynamics, interpersonal conflict, for both undergraduate and MBA students. She is also a core faculty member of the Masters of Health Administration in Community Care, where she teaches Management.

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