Larry Goldsman, McGill University

Profile photo of Larry Goldsman, expert at McGill University

Career and Professional Development Lecturer Montreal, Quebec Office: (514) 398-1262

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Larry Goldsman joined McGill's Desautel Faculty of Management in 1997 as a full time Lecturer. He designs, teaches and coordinates the courses in Taxation. He has also taught courses in Financial & Management Accounting. He began teaching evening courses in 1982 at McGill's School of Continuing S...

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Larry Goldsman joined McGill's Desautel Faculty of Management in 1997 as a full time Lecturer. He designs, teaches and coordinates the courses in Taxation. He has also taught courses in Financial & Management Accounting. He began teaching evening courses in 1982 at McGill's School of Continuing Studies (SCS) and continues to do so today. He is also the coordinator for the Introduction to Financial Accounting Courses at the SCS.

Mr. Goldsman is also a member of our Case Competition Committee. He assists in coaching/advising teams of students which represent McGill at International Business Case Competions. He also coaches the tax teams which compete at the Jeux du Commerce and Financial Open.

Before joining the Faculty on a full time basis in 1997, he was a Senior Manager at KPMG. Prior to that, he was part of the Taxation Dept. at Canadian National Railways. He was also on the Board of Directors of the Tax Executive Institute (Montreal Chapter) for a number of years.

He was nominated for the Principal's Prize for Excellence in Teaching for 2008. He was voted Teacher of the Year for 2008 by the Management Undergraduate Student Society.

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