My principal interests lie in Hellenistic History, the history of classical Athens and archaic Greece, Greek Epigraphy, ancient and modern Philosophy of History, and Historical Anthropology. Before joining the Princeton faculty in 2002, I taught at the University of Tübingen (1997-2002) and held ...
My principal interests lie in Hellenistic History, the history of classical Athens and archaic Greece, Greek Epigraphy, ancient and modern Philosophy of History, and Historical Anthropology. Before joining the Princeton faculty in 2002, I taught at the University of Tübingen (1997-2002) and held a Fulbright post-doctoral fellowship at the University of California at Berkeley (1994-1995). I studied Ancient History, Archaeology and Prehistory in the University of Barcelona (Lic. 1988, PhD 1993) and Ancient History and Classical Archaeology in the University of Tübingen (M.A. 1990).