Mario Seccareccia, University of Ottawa

Profile photo of Mario Seccareccia, expert at University of Ottawa

Economics Professor Ottawa, Ontario Office: (613) 562-5800 ext. 1691


Mario Seccareccia has been teaching at the University of Ottawa since 1978. He has authored/co-authored or co-edited some eight books or monographs, and has published some 75 articles or chapters of books. He is also editor of the New York-based International Journal of Political Economy. His pri...

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Mario Seccareccia has been teaching at the University of Ottawa since 1978. He has authored/co-authored or co-edited some eight books or monographs, and has published some 75 articles or chapters of books. He is also editor of the New York-based International Journal of Political Economy. His principal research interests are in the areas of monetary economics, history of economic thought and methodology, labour economics, and Canadian economic history. Between 1988 and 2006, he taught economics at the Labour College of Canada and, over the years has been consultant economist to a numer of trade unions, including direct involvement in collective bargaining via the Association of Professors of the University of Ottawa (APUO) where he has held the position of vice-president. He has also been appointed visiting professor of economics at the Universtiy of Paris-Sud and the University of Bourgogne in France, and has lectured at the Post Keynesian Summer School of the University of Missouri in Kansas City.

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