Mustafa Koc, Ryerson University

Profile photo of Mustafa Koc, expert at Ryerson University

Professor Emeritus Toronto, Ontario Office: (416) 979-5000 ext. 6210


Mustafa Koc is a professor of Sociology at Toronto Metropolitan University. His research and teaching interests involve food studies, food security, food policy, and sociology of migration.

Professor Koc was among the founders of the Centre for Studies in Food Security (Coordinator 1995...

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Mustafa Koc is a professor of Sociology at Toronto Metropolitan University. His research and teaching interests involve food studies, food security, food policy, and sociology of migration.

Professor Koc was among the founders of the Centre for Studies in Food Security (Coordinator 1995-2005), Food Secure Canada (Chair 2005-2006), and the Canadian Association for Food Studies (President 2005-2008). He received the Provost’s Interdisciplinary Teaching Award ( 2014) and the Toronto Metropolitan University Faculty Association’s Career Achievement Award (2016).

His publications on sociology of agriculture and food, social change and development, and immigration, include For Hunger-proof Cities (1999), Working Together (2001), Interdisciplinary Perspectives in Food Studies (2008), Critical Perspectives in Food Studies (2012 and 2016); Küresel Gıda Düzeni: Kriz Derinleşirken (2013). He serves on the Board of Maple Leaf Centre for Action on Food Security.

His current research focuses on food security among refugees, food policy and civil society and immigration and diasporic foodways in Toronto. He has also been involved in various national and global debates on globalization, food security, and peace. Professor Koc has also been a frequent commentator on social change and politics in Turkey.

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