Oleg Semenikhin, Western University

Profile photo of Oleg Semenikhin, expert at Western University

Associate Professor Department of Chemistry London, Ontario osemenik@uwo.ca Office: (519) 661-2111 ext. 82858


My research program is concerned with the fundamental studies and applications of pi-conjugated organic functional materials. The specific research directions currently include design of organic solar cells and charge storage devices, studies of the nanoscale properties of materials using scannin...

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My research program is concerned with the fundamental studies and applications of pi-conjugated organic functional materials. The specific research directions currently include design of organic solar cells and charge storage devices, studies of the nanoscale properties of materials using scanning probe techniques, electrochemistry and photoelectrochemistry of semiconductor materials. A very recent research direction is the studies of bioelectrochemical and bioelectrical processes involving living cells on electrically conducting substrates.

In the first area, the goal of my research is to improve the photoefficiency of organic solar cells based on conjugated organic materials, as well as to design new materials and architectures for the organic solar cells. In particular, we use transient and non-steady-state techniques such as intensity modulated photocurrent spectroscopy (IMPS) to optimize the charge transport and collection processes in organic solar cells and to minimize the recombination losses in such devices. Secondly, we study the charge accumulation and distribution on the nanoscale as well as the relationship between the nanoscale morphology and properties of organic functional materials using advanced scanning probe techniques, such as current-sensing atomic force microscopy (CS-AFM). The AFM and CS-AFM techniques are also used to investigate the mechanism of redox processes occurring in such materials on the nanoscale and to design new materials and approaches to electrical charge storage. Another important research direction is the search for new acceptor and n-type materials for organic solar cells to replace fullerenes and their derivatives.

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