Parisa A. Ariya, McGill University

Profile photo of Parisa A. Ariya, expert at McGill University

Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Professor Montreal, Quebec Office: (514) 398-3615


Our research is in the field of physical chemistry and analytical chemistry of relevance to the atmosphere and atmospheric interfaces (air/water/ice/snow). It focuses on the understanding of selected chemical transformations of organic compounds, as well as the understanding of trace metal pollut...

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Our research is in the field of physical chemistry and analytical chemistry of relevance to the atmosphere and atmospheric interfaces (air/water/ice/snow). It focuses on the understanding of selected chemical transformations of organic compounds, as well as the understanding of trace metal pollutants in the atmosphere and at atmosphere/water/snow interfaces. Identifying such atmospheric processes can also be significant in understanding the complexity of air pollution and health hazards including airborne particulate matter (aerosols).

The interaction between aerosols and clouds is a significant factor affecting the magnitude of the climate change and is a major research topic recognized by the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC; 2007). The chemical reactions are studied through state-of-the-art kinetic and photochemical laboratory investigations. We perform highly sensitivity measurements of trace compounds to characterize chains of chemical reactions and nucleation processes, both in the atmosphere and at air/water/snow interfaces. Further research activities include complementary computational and atmospheric chemical modelling of the reaction intermediates in the atmosphere to simulate the complex physical-bio-chemical interactions. During the last five years, we also focus on development of novel green chemistry methods and techniques for removal of pollutants.

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