Since coming to McGill, he has been involved in research projects mainly related to the mining industry totaling about 28 million dollars with the major ones being AMIRA/JKMRC P9M (~ 7 000 000 $CAN), P9N ((~ 8 000 000 $) and Canadian Space Agency/Neptec Lunar Exploration Light Rover (11.5 million...
Since coming to McGill, he has been involved in research projects mainly related to the mining industry totaling about 28 million dollars with the major ones being AMIRA/JKMRC P9M (~ 7 000 000 $CAN), P9N ((~ 8 000 000 $) and Canadian Space Agency/Neptec Lunar Exploration Light Rover (11.5 million $). His contributions in the AMIRA P9 projects led to the development of a steel media wear prediction methodology that has been licensed to JKTech. Work with COREM has led to bringing real-time charge motion simulation and prediction closer to the mill operators. He has been recognized as one of the two initiators of the use of discrete element methods in modelling of tumbling mill charge dynamics and his “outstanding contributions toward the development of Autogenous and Semiautogenous Grinding technology” has been acknowledged at the SAG2006 conference. His teaching activities in engineering design have led to the development of an electric snowmobile, a hybrid race car, contributions to powertrain modelling and simulation as well as the development of a prototype wheel for lunar mobility inspired by tumbling mill charge motion. He is the author/co-author of over 100 paper and conference proceedings, one book, four book chapters, 1 patent (wear sensor) and 3 patent pending (instrumented ball, microwave assisted drill, particulate filled metal fabric wheel).