Rima Wilkes, University of British Columbia

Profile photo of Rima Wilkes, expert at University of British Columbia

Professor Sociology Vancouver, British Columbia wilkesr@interchange.ubc.ca Office: (604) 822-6855


Residential Segregation:

Many people in Canada and to a greater extent, the United States do not live together in ethnically/racially integrated neighborhoods.Furthermore segregation levels vary considerably between cities. While some cities are fairly integrated others are characterized...

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Residential Segregation:

Many people in Canada and to a greater extent, the United States do not live together in ethnically/racially integrated neighborhoods.Furthermore segregation levels vary considerably between cities. While some cities are fairly integrated others are characterized as having defacto apartheid. My research focuses on understanding why segregation levels vary so much across North American cities.

Protest by First Nations:

During recent decades, there have been several hundred instances of collective protest undertaken by First Nations. My research seeks to provide a sociological understanding of these important events as a whole. Among the topics I am investigating are the characteristics of First Nations whose members have or have not protested, whether there are variations in levels of First Nation protest across regions in Canada, looking at how media coverage of protest by First Nations varies by region, and comparing protest in Canada with protest in the United States.

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