My research for the past 25 years has centered on how innovations in computing and communications technologies and affiliated socio-cultural practices can influence learning, thinking, and educational systems. My two major lines of research are: (1) developing a new paradigm for everyday networke...
My research for the past 25 years has centered on how innovations in computing and communications technologies and affiliated socio-cultural practices can influence learning, thinking, and educational systems. My two major lines of research are: (1) developing a new paradigm for everyday networked video interactions for learning and communications (, and (2) investigating how informal and formal learning can be better understood and connected, as Co-PI of the LIFE Center ( funded by the National Science Foundation as one of several large-scale national Science of Learning Centers. Other recent areas of specialization include computer-supported collaborative and on-line communities of learning, uses of digital video for learning research and for teacher learning, innovations in WILD learning (with Wireless Interactive Learning Devices), and inquiry learning using scientific visualizations. My DIVER Project involves developing innovative software and research community uses for digital video analysis and collaboration tools for studying learning and teaching. I have also contributed to building a number of interdisciplinary research centers and complex projects that engage researchers, educators, and industry leaders in collaborative design partnerships for uses of learning technologies. Launched in Fall 2004, in collaboration with colleagues at Stanford, the University of Washington, and at SRI International, I will be devoting significant time over at least the next 5 years to our new $25Mil LIFE Center (Learning in Informal and Formal Environments), one of six NSF-funded Science of Learning Centers awarded as of January 2007. We are seeking in this work to build a science of learning that integrates advances in implicit learning and cognitive neuroscience, informal learning, and formal learning, incorporating interactive technologies and new media.