Ruben Burga, University of Guelph

Profile photo of Ruben Burga, expert at University of Guelph

Assistant Professor Guelph, Ontario


Dr. Burga researches sustainability and the use of the sustainable development goals from the United Nations to enhance ESG (environmental, social, and governance) use in businesses and organizations. Burga is also involved in research on project management and the use of agile project management...

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Dr. Burga researches sustainability and the use of the sustainable development goals from the United Nations to enhance ESG (environmental, social, and governance) use in businesses and organizations. Burga is also involved in research on project management and the use of agile project management methods in organizations trying to optimize the way they manage their products. Finally, he is focused on enhancing teaching and learning by using experiential activities with undergraduate business students which can include field visits to isolated communities, international virtual teams with out-of-Canada institutions, work-related experiences in the classroom and the exploration of sustainable innovations in the community.

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