Saba Safdar, University of Guelph

Profile photo of Saba Safdar, expert at University of Guelph

Professor Guelph, Ontario Office: (519) 824-4120 ext. 53520


Dr. Safdar's research interests are broadly rooted in cross-cultural psychology, focusing on understanding the adaptation processes among immigrants, refugees, and international students. By examining the nuanced experiences of marginalized populations, she aims to uncover insights that can infor...

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Dr. Safdar's research interests are broadly rooted in cross-cultural psychology, focusing on understanding the adaptation processes among immigrants, refugees, and international students. By examining the nuanced experiences of marginalized populations, she aims to uncover insights that can inform practices fostering inclusion and empowerment.

The commitment to advancing both the theoretical and applied dimensions of psychological knowledge is aimed to facilitate interventions that promote resilience and positive adaptation in individuals facing the challenges of cultural transition. Ultimately, she believes that understanding these processes can lead to greater social justice and equitable practices that benefit both individuals and communities as a whole. Visit the Centre for Cross-Cultural Research for more information (

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