Shamit Kachru, Stanford University

Profile photo of Shamit Kachru, expert at Stanford University

Professor Stanford, California Office: (650) 736-2047


Professor Kachru is widely interested in the foundational theoretical questions underlying cosmology, condensed matter theory, particle theory, and quantum gravity. These include the nature of the initial cosmological singularity; the microscopic theory of inflation; field theory and string theo...

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Professor Kachru is widely interested in the foundational theoretical questions underlying cosmology, condensed matter theory, particle theory, and quantum gravity. These include the nature of the initial cosmological singularity; the microscopic theory of inflation; field theory and string theory models of strongly correlated condensed matter systems; and possible solutions of the hierarchy problem (with implications for beyond-the-Standard-Model physics). He also has an abiding interest in the mathematical structure underlying string theory and string compactifications.

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