Sui Sui, Ryerson University

Profile photo of Sui Sui, expert at Ryerson University

Global Management Studies Department Professor Toronto, Ontario Mobile: (647) 892-5218
Office: (416) 979-5000 ext. 556710


Dr. Sui Sui is an Associate Professor at the Ted Rogers School of Management at Toronto Metropolitan University. Her research focuses on international new ventures, small business exporters, and immigrant- and women-owned businesses. She has published in the most prestigious Financial Times Top ...

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Dr. Sui Sui is an Associate Professor at the Ted Rogers School of Management at Toronto Metropolitan University. Her research focuses on international new ventures, small business exporters, and immigrant- and women-owned businesses. She has published in the most prestigious Financial Times Top 50 academic journals such as Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Business Venturing, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, and received numerous research grants and awards. Dr. Sui is serving as Associate Editor for the journal of Multinational Business Review and Transnational Corporations Review, Editorial Reviewer Board Member for the Journal of World of Business, and Associate Member for the Diversity Institute at Toronto Metropolitan University

Dr. Sui's research has a very practical focus and has received frequent coverage in the media, such as the Wall Street Journal, CTV News, and Yahoo Finance. She was invited by the Bank of Canada, Global Affairs Canada, and Canadian Minister of State Small Business and Tourism to participate in roundtable meetings on how to help entrepreneur firms to succeed in the global markets. Dr. Sui also written a broadly accessible article summarizing the finding of one of her studies for the Globe and Mail.

Papers in Refereed Journals (Selected):

Morgan, H., Sui, S., & Malhotra, S. (2021) No Place Like Home: The Effect of Exporting to Country of Origin on the Financial Performance of Immigrant-Owned SMEs. Journal of International Business Studies, 52(3), 504-524

Sui, S., Baum, M., & Malhotra, S. (2019) How Home-Peers Affect the Export Market Exit of Small Firms: Evidence from Canadian Exporters, Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, 43(5): 1018–1045.

Sandberg, S., Sui, S. & Baum, M. (2019) What resources hinder SME export failure? Market experience and moderating effects of firm-specific resources on emerging market exit, Journal of Business Research: 98: 489-502.

Morgan, Horatio, Sui, Sui, & Baum, Matthias (2018) Are SMEs with immigrant owners exceptional exporters?” Journal of Business Venturing, 33(3): 241-260.

Sui, S., Morgan, H. & Baum, M. (2015) Liability of Outsidership and Internationalization of Immigrant-Owned SMEs: The Role of Language, Journal of World Business, 50(4): 804–814.

Sui, S. & Baum, M. (2014) Internationalization Strategy, Firm Resources and the Survival of SMEs in the Export Market, Journal of International Business Studies, 45(7): 821–841.

Sui, S. & Yu, Z. (2013) The Dynamics of Expansion to Emerging Markets: Evidence from Canadian Exporters, Review of Development Economics, 17(3): 510–522.

Sui, S., Yu, Z., & Baum, M. (2012) Prevalence and longitudinal trends of early internationalisation patterns among Canadian SMEs, International Marketing Review, 29(5): 519 – 535.

Sui, S. & Yu, Z. (2012) The Pattern of Foreign Market Entry of Canadian Exporters, Canadian Public Policy, 38(3): 341-359.

Chapters in Books

Sui, S. & Tapp, S. (2016) Going global: How can we increase Canadian SME trade and engagement with emerging markets? in Stephen Tapp, Ari Van Assche & Robert Wolfe. Redesigning Canadian Trade Policies for New Global Realities, Volume VI: 1-37.

*This book has won the 2018 Doug Purvis Memorial Prize for highly significant written contribution to Canadian economic policy.

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