Thomas G. Phillips was educated at Oxford, England, where he received B.A., M.A. and D.Phil. degrees. His graduate studies were in low temperature physics. During this time he was appointed to a Junior Research Fellowship at Jesus College. After one year at Stanford University he moved to Bell Te...
Thomas G. Phillips was educated at Oxford, England, where he received B.A., M.A. and D.Phil. degrees. His graduate studies were in low temperature physics. During this time he was appointed to a Junior Research Fellowship at Jesus College. After one year at Stanford University he moved to Bell Telephone Laboratories Physics Research laboratory at Murray Hill, N.J. There he developed techniques for millimeter and submillimeter-wave detection for astronomy, including the heterodyne Hot Electron Bolometer (HEB) and the SIS detectors. With the early, semiconductor version of the HEB he detected many useful ISM transitions for the first time, including the rotational ladder lines of CO and the ground state fine-structure line of atomic carbon (CI).