W. Andrew Marcus is a geographer whose research focuses on human impacts on rivers and the use of remote sensing technology to map and understand rivers. At the University of Oregon, he is a professor of geography. Much of Dr. Marcus’ work has been in mountain environments and the Yellowstone eco...
W. Andrew Marcus is a geographer whose research focuses on human impacts on rivers and the use of remote sensing technology to map and understand rivers. At the University of Oregon, he is a professor of geography. Much of Dr. Marcus’ work has been in mountain environments and the Yellowstone ecosystem; this latter expertise was a driving force behind the creation of the “Atlas of Yellowstone,” the first-of-its-kind atlas of a national park and its region. The atlas has received four publishing awards, including the 2012 PROSE (Professional and Scholarly Excellence) Award for Physical Sciences and Mathematics, the top book award in these fields given by the 300 plus publishers who make up the American Publishers Association. Dr. Marcus can also talk about the value of a liberal arts education.